5 Reasons to encourage children learning music

  Learning music improves math skills. Multiple studies show that by learning beat, rhythm and scales, children develop their understanding of patterns and fractions. It improves reading and comprehension. Learning music is like learning a foreign language. You need to identify the note, how to play it, whether it’s long or short, loud or soft, … Read more

Relocating times- Goodbye times!


It’s that time of year when schools are about to finish and many expat families relocate. Studies suggest that up to twelve years of age, children cope quite well with changing friends and forming new relationships. While they do have preferences about who their friends are, their relationships are usually short-lived. Things change when your … Read more

10 tips to help students cope with exam stress

cope with exam stress

Exam stress affects most children. Some only minimally, whereas others can experience levels of anxiety that can lead to panic attacks and depression. Since this is the week for revisions, here are 10 tips to help students cope with exam stress. 1–Be prepared. Know exactly what is required of you to pass the exam. Make … Read more

10 great ways to efficiently market your international school

market your school

While it may seem a bit alien to think of your parents as ‘customers’ and a child’s education as a ‘product’, the truth is that most successful expat schools do precisely this. Read this article for tips on how to market your international school through networking and digital marketing. 1–Create a strong parents’ group. We … Read more

6 reasons it is vital for an international school to have a PTA

PTA international school

Having a Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is vital for any school. Aside from fostering better communication between parents and the school, here are six ways a PTA can benefit your international school: 1- It acts as a welcoming board to new families. If the school can rely on an active PTA to welcome new parents … Read more

10 tips to help your expat child adjust to a new international school

adjust to a new international school

Without a lot of parental support, it can be hard for some kids to adjust to a new international school. They not only must make new friends (and are likely sad about leaving their old friends), but they must navigate a different culture and maybe even learn a new language. As parents, we can provide … Read more