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Do you want your school to be an Expat Parents School of Choice?
Here is how your school becomes one:
Since 2019
We are an independent organization, and are not directly affiliated with any accreditation bodies or school inspection bureaus. EEE was established to serve the expat community by sharing our reports and helping you to choose the best-fit educational options in each country. We also serve the schools, by granting the Excellence in Expat Education Award to those schools that achieve excellence in any of our assessment categories.

I was one of the testers for the FindMeASchool app. It gave me a wide range of schools to choose from and helped me understand which schools were available in West Cairo. I also spoke to one of the EEE consultants, who helped me decide which school aligned best with our family's expectations.

EEE gave us choices, which is exactly what we needed: a company to narrow down our possibilities. This saved us a lot of time when we visited the school.

The budget was our biggest problem, we nearly gave up relocating. Senida (Founder of EEE Awards) helped us find a good school within our budget.

In the US we have a completely different school system than Spain. I really appreciate the patience EEE have shown me as I have been trying to figure out the differences between privado, publico and concertado and which one would work best for our children, who are English speakers. Relocating with a big family like ours things can be complicated, and to have someone who "speaks your language" is just enormously helpful.
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