
Father of 11 and 13 year olds
May 9, 2024

EEE has the knowledge and connections in place to put you in the right direction. We’re an American family relocating to Germany. EEE were able to put us in touch with people who could ease our transition to a new country.

Mother of a 7 year old
May 9, 2024

Every time we move to a new country, EEE are there for us. We are making the leap to Jordan and they helped us narrow down our options. As soon as we arrived, the school visits confirmed our expectations. This is the third time in five years that we have used the expertise of Senida and her team.

Mother of 3 and 6 year olds
May 9, 2024

We’re moving from Dubai to Cairo. Our children attend a really nice school here and we wanted the same in Egypt. As an expat herself, Senida fully understood what we were looking for. Because she lived in both places, she was able to compare the school systems in both countries which was very helpful. We are feeling a lot more positive about the move now.

Mother of 3, 13 and 14 year olds
May 9, 2024

As I come from China, I had no idea what to expect about schools in Egypt. I registered my children in a school which was below our family expectations in terms of academics. After speaking to Excellence in Expat Education, we decided to move my children to a school with better connections with universities from Europe, because that’s where I want my children to study.

Mother of 5 and 7 year olds
May 8, 2024

I was one of the testers for the FindMeASchool app. It gave me a wide range of schools to choose from and helped me understand which schools were available in West Cairo. I also spoke to one of the EEE consultants, who helped me decide which school aligned best with our family's expectations.

Mother of 10 and 12 year olds
June 12, 2023

EEE gave us choices, which is exactly what we needed: a company to narrow down our possibilities. This saved us a lot of time when we visited the school.

Mother of 12, 5 and 3 year olds
May 24, 2023

The budget was our biggest problem, we nearly gave up relocating. Senida (Founder of EEE Awards) helped us find a good school within our budget.

Mother of 15 and 8 year olds
May 1, 2023

I really wanted to know why [a short list of schools I had been given] were my only choices. EEE gave us thorough information which you cannot learn from just visiting a school. They knew the school profile in depth.

Mother of 17, 15, 11 and 7 year olds
April 22, 2023

In the US we have a completely different school system than Spain. I really appreciate the patience EEE have shown me as I have been trying to figure out the differences between privado, publico and concertado and which one would work best for our children, who are English speakers. Relocating with a big family like ours things can be complicated, and to have someone who "speaks your language" is just enormously helpful.

April 1, 2022

I just wanted to thank you for everything you have done for us, helping us navigate through the schools in Cairo and making our mind accordingly. We have chosen CISE and I'm quite satisfied with this decision. The children are happy, and so are we. Thank you so much for your time and effort. I really do appreciate it. Sincerely, Hadeel

March 14, 2022

Please accept our sincere gratitude and appreciation for making the entire process so smooth and helping children sail through. We are delighted to accept and are eager to be in Madrid. Regards, Sumit and Anu

February 28, 2022

Thank you so much for your kind and professional advice on the best school in Paris. You have saved our family precious time allowing us to concentrate on other relocation related matters. We are very happy and confident that we have chosen the best school for our children. Au revoir Sofia and family

January 17, 2022

Thank you so much for sending emails on our behalf and setting up appointments which made our school visits run smoothly. We as a family are grateful for your guidance and look forward to our next adventure in the Middle East. Sarah Richardson

December 23, 2021

The best thing we could have done is listen to your sound advice. After visiting many schools we have found on various Internet pages, we have come to the conclusion that your assessment criteria has indeed selected the best possible schools in Cairo and we are now at rest that our children have found the best school. Forever grateful, Andrea Torre

Mother of a 6 year old
May 29, 2020

I had the great privilege of meeting Senida in Cairo. The first impression one gets as soon as one start conversing with her, is her thorough analytical approach she applies in all topics. We are a diplomatic family who move around the world every 3 years. EEEA has been great in helping us compare and contrast the different international schools in different countries before deciding the best schools for our sons. EEEA is fantastic at analysing the academic standards as well as other variable factors around education that are essential to bear in mind prior to choosing a very good international school. We are just about to move to our next posting, the Philippines and EEEA has been extremely helpful in conducting a through research for us looking at all the different schools in Manila in order to find the most suitable one for our sons bearing in mind our sons' academic progress, their personalities as well as the educational values we believe in as a family. Senida is very good at reading people’s needs and wishes and matching them with the best international school that best suits each student.

Mother of a 3 year old
May 7, 2020

EEE advised us on the best international school in Cairo, Egypt. We talked about what we were looking for in an international school and they recommended us one, just one, school! It was the best! We only visited that single school, and everything fell into place. We saved so much time by being pointed in the right direction right from the beginning.

Mother of 10 and 13 year olds
April 17, 2020

Only one of our sons got accepted in the school of our choice in Abu Dhabi, so we were desperate for options, as our embassy did not seem to have information on the best British schools. We spoke to EEE and we took their advice. We moved both our sons to the school they recommended, and never looked back again. Best decision ever!

Mother of a 10 year old
February 1, 2020

When we heard about relocating to Senegal, we were sure that no one would be able to give us information on the best school. The information on Internet was very confusing. We realised that the world ‘international’ does not always mean ‘expatriate children’. In the end we only had one option, but it was the school we were looking for.

Mother of 10, 12 and 15 year olds
December 6, 2019

We had written to a few schools asking for information such as school fees and academic standards. As we didn’t receive an answer, we decided to call EEE and they happened to have the information we were looking for, helping us make a decision.

Mother of 9 and 12 year olds
November 11, 2019

EEE are easy to talk to and they know the market. If they tell you these are your options, those are it! They’ve done their homework and have visited many schools in numerous countries. Emailing back and forth was quick and easy.

Mother of twin 8 year olds
October 16, 2019

What we like about EEE was the fact that they are expatriates as well as educators, so they understand what we’re looking for and what an international school should be like

Parents of a 5 year old
August 15, 2019

Our budget was way below that of prime schools in Egypt. Even though EEE advised us on a particular school, we decided to register our daughter in a school which fitted our budget. Needless to say, she hated it from the very beginning, because although the school was called international, our daughter was the only foreigner in her class. She felt different and did not enjoy going to school. We went back to EEE, this time we took their advice, we made some life adjustments to increase our budget and registered our daughter at MBIS. She flourished! She was happy and we could see the transformation in her life.

Mother of 6, 10 and 11 year olds
June 6, 2019

We were incredibly nervous when my husband was told about moving to Madrid. Our 3 children did not speak English very well and certainly not Spanish. We were looking for an international school, which would give our children ESL support but also kid of embrace them because they are usually quite shy. We also wanted all our children in the same school. We wanted a good school, but also a school that best fitted our children’s personalities. Senida gave us some options, but then by process of elimination we decided on a small school in the North of Madrid which when we visited had exactly that ‘warm and fuzzy’ feeling they promised.