10 Reasons to choose Malvern College Egypt (MCE)

Inside the campus

1- Highly qualified UK teachers     2- Great location Malvern College Egypt is located betweeen the neighborhoods of Maadi and New Cairo. Both of these neighborhoods are preferred by expats, so the school run won’t take too long.   3-  Relatively low fees The fees at MCE are low compared to international schools of … Read more

Teaching with videos

Teaching with videos

Why should you use videos when you teach, whether online or face to face? Videos are great visuals to make a lesson engaging, to expose students to natural language, to ease comprehension via images and actions, to teach correct pronunciation and related issues such as contractions, intonation, stress, etc. What kind of clips should you … Read more

Online teaching dos and don’ts

online teaching tips

The rise of online teaching and the willingness to study online has increased at unprecedented levels. How do we keep demonstrating our professionalism and ensure our classes are fun, productive, and engaging even if when we have no choice but to teach online? Here are nine tips to help:   Make sure every technical aspect … Read more

Teachers’ wellbeing- schools that care

teachers wellbeing

Following months of pandemic, lockdowns, quarantine, uncertainties, switching to teaching/learning online as the way to keep our children’s education afloat, our teachers might need our help (school principals and parents) to push forward with a more joyful heart. How can we ensure our teachers’ wellbeing? What does wellbeing mean? Here is the definition given by … Read more

ESP Resources

ESP resources

What’s ESP? ESP stands for English for Specific Purposes and it’s a subset of ESL (English as a Second Language). It is directed to people aiming to study or perfect their vocabulary and skills specific to a type of employment, or business sector. Here are some examples: Technical English, Scientific English, English for the medical … Read more

8 Benefits of attending an international school

international school

Expatriates have a unique opportunity to send their children to international schools. Parents we have spoken to see clear benefits of international schooling. Here are eight of them:   1– International environment/Diversity   Many international schools are wonderful melting pots of cultures, backgrounds and races, where students as well as teachers from all over the … Read more

10 Reasons schools should blog

reasons schools should blog

Here are 10 reasons schools should blog. If you get the kids involved, it can be done without overloading the teachers’ already busy academic schedules.   Blogs serve as portfolios   Such an initiative gives a clear objective. Moreover, blogging enhances students’ self-reflection, their entrepreneurial spirit and helps develop their collaborative skills. It gives them … Read more