Find Me a School

find me a school

Who is this app for? Find Me A School is the ultimate app tailored to assist expat parents in locating the best-fit international school for their children when relocating to a new country.   What kind of school can you find on the app? Egyptian international schools, and soon international schools in other countries around … Read more

Reasons to attend the Education Experts Egypt Conference in May

Education Expert Egypt Conference

Schools and principals in Egypt should attend our Education Experts Egypt Conference on 9th and 10th May for a number of reasons:     1- Meeting and networking with other education professionals   Networking at conferences is a great way for attendees to exchange ideas, gain knowledge from one another, and establish connections that may … Read more

10 reasons to choose The Royal British International School


The Royal British International School is a brand-new school in New Cairo, one of the most sought-after residential areas in the Egyptian capital. Here are 10 reasons parents choose RB:   1- A unique campus   The Royal School is unwaveringly dedicated to becoming an environmentally friendly school, by adopting various means of raising awareness … Read more

Online School vs. Home Schooling

online school

This post, from Sophia High School, highlights very important aspects of online learning. Many parents seem to conflate online schools with home schooling, or supporting a child whose regular classes have been temporarily taken online. Click here to read the full article: Online school vs. Home Schooling      

Reasons to study at Sophia High School

best online expat school

Are you considering an online school for your child? If so (and even if you are still wedded to the idea of having your child attend a bricks and mortar school, this is worth a read), here are 10 excellent reasons to study at Sophia High School.   1- Teacher:Student ratio   Sophia High School … Read more

Online vs face to face learning

online vs face to face learning

Online learning is exactly what it sounds like: teachers lead their classes virtually, while students study from home. Face to face learning is the traditional way of studying by going to a brick and mortar school every day. Which one is better? Read to learn the costs and benefits of online vs face to face … Read more

Expat support abroad

expat support abroad

Whether you are a parent or a child, relocating to a new country will put you in one of two categories. Some find the whole moving abroad experience sad, intimidating and stressful because they are leaving their home, circle of friends, dear family members and maybe pets: basically their life as they know it. Others … Read more