Expat support abroad

expat support abroad

Whether you are a parent or a child, relocating to a new country will put you in one of two categories. Some find the whole moving abroad experience sad, intimidating and stressful because they are leaving their home, circle of friends, dear family members and maybe pets: basically their life as they know it. Others … Read more

The importance of Recess and Play

recess and play

Research has demonstrated over and over the role of recess and play in our fast-paced modern world. Play is essential to a child’s cognitive, physical, social and emotional well-being. How long should the break be? Psychologists recommend two 15 minute breaks every day, plus a good lunch break of 20 minutes. Why the break? It … Read more

Questions to ask your child’s teachers to understand your child’s learning potential

Every time parents get their child’s school report, they are quite surprised to discover their child’s ‘real’ academic level. Many of them feel that parent-teacher meetings are not long enough, there isn’t enough time to ask all the questions they would like and that teachers’ reports tend to reinforce their child’s strengths and make their … Read more

Signs of school stress

school stress

Children of all ages may experience school stress for a variety of reasons. Such reasons can include bullying, lack of integration, teacher rapport issues, schoolwork overload, boredom, not getting enough sleep, ‘what to wear’ pressure, family issues which seem to be out in the public or other kids talking about them, to list just a … Read more

How to maximise your word-of-mouth potential


According to a study led by Nielsen, 92% of consumers worldwide say they trust earned media, such as recommendations from friends and family, above all forms of advertising. Here are some tips to maximise your word-of-mouth potential:   Make yourself visible   The Nielsen research highlighted above demonstrates that Facebook users are the most likely … Read more